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Interesting Storage Information

Sunday 25 April 2004 at 02:23 am Advancements in NFS - version 4 is in development. Read about it here and here.

Weekly Links

Friday 23 April 2004 at 10:08 pm Who needs Garageband when you have sndrec32.exe ?

Basic perl for SysAdmins

Free BareGrep & BareTail - Windows GUI versions of Unix utilities

A nice CFengine overview from O'Reilly / Onlamp

HTML editor - Nvu - mozilla Composer based standalone wysiwyg html editor

Study of terrorists and technology

Before the web existed there was gopher

Best of 2004 freeware from Pricelessware

Tiny USB Hard-drive

This has been done before but its still pretty cool - dial a website IP address

The ultimate no nonsense toilet paper

Securing a fresh linux install parts one, two and three

Interesting Links

Wednesday 14 April 2004 at 8:12 pm Cool Freeware Enhanced Notepad/Outliner - Keynote autosaves -> very useful for dumping information in a semi structured way

How google can do what google does - Google-tech

For the yuppie in us all - great interior design 'stuff' from mocoloco

Creatures has been moved online and its now free

Netcat - useful utilities for Unix/Win32 - lets you setup client/server tests for almost everything with this simple command line tool

Computer Forensics (Updated 04/05/05)

Wednesday 14 April 2004 at 8:11 pm The Sleuthkit lets you carry out an 'exam' on a comprimised or suspect system.

Dana Epp has written about performing a forensic exam on a comprimised Linux system.

Interesting Links

Monday 05 April 2004 at 11:40 pm NEC Labs have some cool stuff in the pipeline.

MIT Virtual Paintbrush - Allows children to 'pick' colours from surrounding objects and paint them onto a screen. Take a look at it here.

A nice (almost layman-like) look at building a cluster of web servers providing load-balancing hvailable here.

Palm Paint Applications



Slightly creepy -
sculptures made from artificial human skin

In case you missed this on slashdot last week - the Nanode was released (design is by the UK company that created the Cubit)

Use Microsofts PowerTools for XP - they're actually really useful.


Yet another blog about stuff.

The image in the header is mine.

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