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Brushed Metal + More (Updated 10/09/05)

Friday 09 September 2005 at 1:21 pm Interesting - Watch a chess computer think through its moves.

Another link from Japanese Castles.

Fantastic send-up of Mac OS Interface Transience - Brushed Metal falls from favour. Its interesting that GNOME is moving in the opposite direction by simplifying the interface - Gnome 2.12 even got a Mac OS 9 comparison.

Nice idea - Flat Speaker Leads you can hide in your walls.

If you didn't already know the best groupware platform was updated - Notes 7. Some positive reporting on Notes versus Exchange. While the Outlook client is nicer to use (especially for people who use Office and Outlook/Outlook Express at home) Notes just seems like a much more transparent system in terms of usability and back-end administration.

A nice overview on the benefits of Virtualisation.

This week I have mostly been listening to . . .

Friday 09 September 2005 at 08:30 am (bands on my iPod Shuffle for the week ending 9 September 2005) -

Bad Brains, Badly Drawn Boy, Godspeedyoublackemporer, Godflesh, Sparklehorse, Thelonious Monk, Charlambides, Straitjacket Fits, Laika, Lamb, Mazzy Star, Mogwai, Flying Saucer Attack, Minor Threat

Chmox + More (Updated 07/09/05)

Monday 05 September 2005 at 11:55 am I'm sure I've linked to this before but these little places are to cool not to flag again - Tumleweed Houses. These would make great holiday homes.

Another article on getting a tiny Linux distro working under Qemu. Theres a related article at about the popularity of small Linux installs.

Interesting Basics of installing / securing PHP and MySQL on OS X. I didn't realise there was a secure php.ini option or a mysql_secure_installation script. They both look like useful options for locking down any LAMP (linux/apache/mysql/php) setup.

Microsofts Compiled Help format is pretty popular as a way of bundling up information. Its always been a hassle to view on other platforms - I used to use xChm via X-windows on my Mac which was fine by X is a pig. Luckily theres now a native viewer for OS X - Chmox. It small, fast and efficient.

Create your own GTD (Getting Things Done) notebook - via the PocketMod Flash app - which prints onto a single A4 page. The GTD meme is cool but sometimes I wonder if like Adrian Mole you spend more time on the System than on actually GTD :-)

BackupPC + More

Saturday 03 September 2005 at 11:31 am Seems very similar to an inhouse application at my old job (Hi Barry!) - BackupPC. Open-source software which backs up data from PC's to a central server.

Video-capture application - WinDV.

Interesting - SSL Enabling Exchange. For secure webmail.

Decisions - Eight techniques to assist you in your decision making process.

Redundant routing via keepalived.


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