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» Useful Ways to be Persuasive I realised my Linkdump category hadn't been updated in a looong time so I'll kick start it with this link to some common-sense ways to be persuasive.

As per the link comments in the preamble, its a bit pop-psych but theres some useful stuff to help get your head around how you can get your point of view across to other people.   |

SlowIT + More

Saturday 25 July 2009 at 4:15 pm Tongue-in-cheek with a dose of reality - SlowIT. 'Do less with less' is going to be my new mantra.

Handy - Alternative uses for everyday items.

Wellington could use some of these in a compact, noise-less form for normal households - 10 Wind Turbines That Push the Limits of Design.

True - Why Word is becoming irrelevant. Unfortunately the Office Suite is a juggernaut - convincing people they can get by with an older version (Office XP does what I need it to do), something free (OpenOffice) or web-based (probably a hard-sell for the less technology savvy).

A fascinating story from a guy who ranks amongst the modern software elite - Why writing a Windows compatible file server is (still) hard. I've heard a rumour that even Microsoft doesn't understand SMB/CIFS the way that the SAMBA creator does.

NetFlix have shared their Internal Values and Culture via slideshow. Impressive stuff. I liked the bit where they tackle innovation and complexity by just employing brilliant people - instead of being risk averse and process/procedure-heavy they find it easier to move ahead and fix things as they go.

YouTube Music Video - Godheadsilo

Saturday 25 July 2009 at 3:28 pm Godheadsilo are Mike Kunka and Dan Haugh; they were active from 1993 to 1998. In that brief period of time they released a number of singles/ep's and three albums.

Given they play bass and drums they're all about the lo-end of the musical spectrum - not in a techno drum 'n bass way but more the scouring noise rock way.

Theres not a whole lot of information about them online (TrouserPress, Sub Pop, Wikipedia) and they don't seem to have produced any music videos. Because its so hard to find anything online about the band it would be easy to dismiss them as also-rans in the mid-90's grunge-fest - however you'd be doing your ears a great disservice - Godheadsilo are just plain awesome.

Luckily a search on YouTube threw up the odd-gem, starting with some brief (and very grainy) live footage before I finally stumbled upon a decent live video of them in action:

You get some idea of the massive volume when you realise the vocals just aren't sufficiently loud enough to escape the distorted bass and huge kettle drums.

And it might just be me but the drummer appears to be a dead ringer for Boris Johnson.

All About Setting Up VPS Hosting

Saturday 11 July 2009 at 5:51 pm My sites relatively straightforward - however if you're after hosting with more than basic HTML then its worth looking into a VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosted solution.

This guy has knocked up a 20 step (each step is an article) process to getting your VPS up and running. Its worth a look - Set up an Unmanaged VPS for Newbies - The 20 Part Bible!

Useful Ways to be Persuasive

Monday 06 July 2009 at 6:07 pm I realised my Linkdump category hadn't been updated in a looong time so I'll kick start it with this link to some common-sense ways to be persuasive.

As per the link comments in the preamble, its a bit pop-psych but theres some useful stuff to help get your head around how you can get your point of view across to other people.

Anti Database Movement + More

Monday 06 July 2009 at 5:48 pm Interesting - No to SQL? Anti-database movement gains steam. Flat files rule :-)

Handy reference - Unix Xargs Piping Toolkit Utility.

Handy - 20 Linux System Monitoring Tools Every SysAdmin Should Know.

Useful for troubleshooting - First few seconds of an https sessions.

This sort of thing cuts both ways - How to communicate securely under a repressive regime.

This looks useful Lamson. Easy email integration framework for applications.

Trying to remember the right word ? Try Tip of my tongue.


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