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Entries on this site with 'youtube'
- YouTube Music Video - Godheadsilo
Godheadsilo are Mike Kunka and Dan Haugh; they were active from 1993 to 1998. In that brief period of time they released a number of singles/ep's and three albums. Given t - YouTube Music Video - Straitjacket Fits
Flicking through some YouTube musical-goodness and I came across a video for the Straitjacket Fits classic 'Hail' . Revel in the crystaline wall-of-sound guitars, cheap-as - YouTube Music Video - The Clean - Tally Ho!
The Clean were pretty much the reason Flying Nun came into being when a fan (Roger Shepherd) wanted to release their first single 'Tally Ho!' So heres ' Tally Ho! ' in all - YouTube Music Video - Chills - Brave Words
Along with the Clean, the Chills helped put Flying Nun on the map. Some of their songs even made it MTV and received popular airplay outside NZ. The best thing about the C - YouTube Music Video - Dead C - Sky
Um - what can I say - the Dead C were completely different from everything else on Flying Nun. Eschewing jangle-pop for decidedly noisier lo-fi art-rock (cf very early Son - YouTube Music Video - Straitjacket Fits - Hail
Another of my favourite Kiwi bands (you really can't go to wrong with classic late 80's early 90's Flying Nun stuff) - Straitjacket Fits . One of their best singles is ' H - YouTube Music Video - Look Blue Go Purple - Cactus Cat
Look Blue Go Purple only released a couple of EP's and a Compilation but their mellow (and slightly menacing) jangle and drone made for some pretty classic songs. My favou - YouTube Music Video - Bailter Space - X
Probably one of my all time favourite Flying Nun bands - Bailterspace arrived after a convoluted path involving a member of the Clean and members of the Gordons it pretty
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